Gathered here are books and magazines read, consulted and referred to
by the GeezerGourmet. It is updated from time to time.
Aftel, Mandy and Patterson, Daniel. Aroma.
Artisan, 2004 (See profile)
Applied Food Service Sanitation. The Educational
Foundation of the National
Restaurant Association. 4th Edition, 1995 (The Food
Service Manager
Ash, John. Culinary Birds. Running Press, 2013
(See profile)
Bayless, Rick. Mexico One Plate at a Time.
Scribner, 2000
Beard, James. Theory &
Practice of Good Cooking. Alfred Knopf, 1977 (Still
in print
and still the best first cookbook.)
_____. Treasury of Outdoor Cooking. Ridge
Pess/Golden Press, 1960 (Beautiful
artwork. Now a collectable.)
Bourdain, Anthony. Kitchen Confidential.
Bloomsberry, 2000
Brenner, Leslie. The Fourth Star. Clarkson
Potter, 2002 (See profile)
Byres, Tim. SMOKE New Firewood Cooking. Rizzoli
International Publications, 2012 (See profile)
Bottura, Massimo. Never Trust A skinny Chef. 2014
(See profile)
Chang, David and Peter Meehan. Momofuku. Clarkson
Potter, 2009 (See profile)
Child, Julia. The Way
to Cook. Alfred A. Knopf, 1989 (More user friendly
than her
older books.)
Chonko, Jon. Sandwiches. PowerHouse Books, 2011
Corriher, Shirley. Cookwise,
The Hows & Whys of Successful Cooking. William
Morrow, 1997 (See profile. This book is worth buying.)
Dalquist, Dorothy. Bundt Classics. Nordic
Ware, 2003 (See profile)
Davidson, Alan. The Oxford Companion to Food.
1999 (An eccentric’s tour de force,
erudite but eclectic. Glad I have it, but . . .)
De Vita, Orerra and FAnt, Maureen. Pasta The Italian
Way Sauces & Shapes. W.W.Norton, 2013 (See profile)
Dornenburg, Andrew & Page, Karen. Culinary
Artistry. Van Norstrand Reinhold, 1996
(Useful tables for the professional.)
Douglas, Tom. I Love Crab Cakes. William Morrow/Harper
Collins, 2006 (See profile)
Fearney-Whitingstall, Hugh. The River Cottage Meat Book.
Ten Speed Press, 2004, 2007 (See profile)
Fisher. M.F.K. The Art of Eating. Macmillan,
1954 (Update May 2004: A new paperback is out
to mark its 50th anniversary)
Helou, Anissa. Mediterranean Street Food.
Harper Collins, 2002 (See profile)
Hemphill, Ian. The Spice and Herb Bible. 2nd Edition.
Robert Rose, 2006 (See profile)
Herbst, Sharon Tyler. Food
Lovers Companion. 4th edition. Barrons Educational
Series, 2007 (Very useful and comprehensive. It has
become the standard
spelling reference of culinary terms.)
Hesler, Amanda, The Essential New York Times Cookbook.
W.W. Norton, 2010 (See profile)
Hibler, Janie. Wild About Game. Broadway/Bantam
Doubleday Dell, 1998
Jaffrey, Madhur. An Invitation
to Indian Cooking. Vintage Books, 1973
_____. From Curries to Kebabs, Recipes from the
Indian Spice Trail. Clarkson Potter, 2003
(See profile)
IBM, Cognitive Cooking Witrh Chef Watson. Sourcebooks,
2015 (see profile)
Joachim, David and Schloss, Andrew. The Science of Good
Food. Robert Rose, 2008 (See profile)
Kamman, Madeleine. The New Making of a Cook.
William Morrow, 1997. (A very
good textbook.)
Kapoor, Sybil. Taste, a New Way to Cook. Whitecap
Books, 2003 (See profile)
Keller, Thomas. The French Laundry Cookbook.
Artison/Workman Publishing, 1999
(A beautiful coffee table book with good commentary on procedures,
but with
difficult recipes. IACP’s Cookbook of the Year for 2000.)
Killeen, Johanne and Germon, George. On Top of Spaghetti.
William Morrow, 2006
Kimball, Christopher, Editor. Cooks Illustrated.
(a magazine and Web site–have to
pay for each– with high credibility in that they test through
and don’t take ads,
though they have more than enough of their own.)
Krasner, Deborah. The Flavors of Olive Oil, A Tasting
Guide and Cookbook.
Simon & Shuster, 2002 (See profile)
______, Good Meat The Complete Guide to Sourcing and
Cooking Sustainable Meat. Stewart, Tabori and Chang,
2010 (See profile)
Kohn, Phyllis. The Best Fryer Cookbook Ever. Harper
Collins, 1998
Kuh, Patric. The Last Days of Haute Cuisine.
Viking Press, 2001 (See profile)
Kurlansky, Mark. Salt,
A World History. Walker Publishing, 2002, Penguin
2003 (See profile)
Labensky and Hause. On Cooking.
2nd Edition. Prentice Hall, 1999. (The textbook at
L’ Academie de Cuisine.)
Lopez-Alt, J. Kenji. The Food Lab. W. W. Norton,
2015. (see profile)
Mallman, Francis. Seven Fires, Grillingthe Argentine
Way. Artisan, 2009 (See profile)
McClane, A.J. The Encyclopedia of Fish and Cookery.
Holt, Rinehart & Winston,
1977 (A classic. Still in print, I believe.)
McGee, Harold. On Food and Cooking, The Science
and Lore of the Kitchen,
Completely Revised and Updated. Scribners, 1984,
2004 (See profile)
_____. The Curious Cook, More Kitchen Science and
Lore. Macmillan, 1990
_____. Keys to Good Cooking A Guide to Making
the Best of Foods and Recipes. Penguin Press, 2010
(See profile)
Meat Buyers Guide, The.
North American Meat Processors Association, 1997
Montagné, Prosper. Larousse Gastronomique.
Crown, 1961 (I like my old edition
Mueller, Tom. Extra Virginity, the Sublime and Scandalous
World of Olive Oil. W.W Norton, 2112 (See profile)
Myhrvold, Nathan. Modernist Cuisine, The Art and Science
of Cooking. The Cooking Lab, 2011
_______. Modernist Cuisine at Home. The Cooking
Lab, 2012
M’Souli, Hassan. Moroccan Modern. Interlink
Books, 2006 (See Profile)
O’Connell, Patrick. Refined American Cuisine.
Bulfinch Press, 2004 (See profile)
O’Neil, Molly (ed.). American Food Writing.
Literary Classics of the United States,
2007 (See profile)
Parsons, Russ. How to Read a French Fry, and Other
Stories of Intriguing Kitchen
Science. Houghton Mifflin, 2001
Pepin, Jacques. La Technique. Quadrangle
NYT Book Co, 1976. Wallaby Pocket Books, 1978
Pellaprat, Henri-Paul. Modern French Culinary Art.
World Publishing, 1966 (A classic
with great photographs.)
Pernot, Guillermo and Aliza Green, ¡Ceviche!.
Running Press, 2001 (See profile.)
Peterson, James. Fish &
Shellfish. William Morrow, 1996 (His books are
very good.)
_______. Sauces. 2nd edition. John
Wiley & Sons, 1998
Pollan, Michael. Omnivore’s Dilemma. Penguin Press,
2006 (See profile)
____ . In Defense of Food. Penguin Press, 2008
(See profile)
Pollinger, Ben. School of Fish. Gallery Books,
2014 (See profile)
Purviance, Jamie. Weber’s Way To Grill, The Step-by-Step
Guide To Expert Grilling.
Sunset Books, 2008 (See profile).
Reichl, Ruth (ed.). The Gourmet Cookbook.
Conde Nast Publications, 2004 (See profile)
Saulnier, Louis. Le Répertoire de La Cuisine.
Barrons Educational Series, 1976
(The original “cheat sheet.” Every chef has a copy.)
Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation. Houghton
Mifflin, 2001
Schneider, Elizabeth. Uncommon Fruits &
Vegetables. William Morrow, 1986
(Useful reference)
_______. Vegetables from Amaranth to Zucchini.
William Morrow, 2001
(See profile)
Smith, Andrew F. (ed). The Oxford Encyclopedia
of Food and Drink in America. Volumes 1 and 2.
University Press, 2004 (Christmas present 2004, probably
for pro’s only.)
Stevens, Molly. All About Braising: The
Art of Uncomplicated Cooking. Norton & Co,
2004 (See profile)
Thorne, John and Matt Lewis. Pot on the Fire.
North Point Press, 2000
Tramonto, Rick. amuse-bouche. Random
House, 2002 (See profile)
Weinzweig, Ari. Zingerman’s Guide to Good Eating.
Houghton Mifflin, 2003 (See profile)
Willan, Anne. LaVarenne Pratique. Crown,
1989 (Good reference and photos.)
Williams-Sonoma Ice Cream. Simon and Schuster
Source, 2003
Wolfert, Paula. Couscous
and Other Good Food From Morocco. Harper &
1973, Perennial Library, 1987 (A classic. Now
in paperback.)
________. The Slow Mediterranean Kitchen.
John Wiley & Sons, 2003 (See profile)
Wolke, Robert. What Einstein Told His Cook.
W. W. Norton, 2002 (See profile)
____________. What Einstein Told His Cook 2.
W. W. Norton, 2005 (See profile)
Wright, Clifford. A Mediterranean
Feast. William Morrow, 1999 (See profile)
Yokelson, Lisa. Baking by Flavor. John
Wiley & Sons, 2002 (See profile)