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Here is a better way to hard boil eggs and to cool and peel them:
(Excerpted from Chicken, Egg and Tuna Salad
To hard boil:
· Place the eggs in a roomy saucepan and fill the pan with cold water to
completely cover the eggs
· Bring to boil over high heat
· Simmer for 30 seconds
· Turn the heat off, cover, and let stand 12 minutes
To cool:
· Leave the eggs in the pan and drain off the hot
· Place the pan, eggs and all, in the sink under
running cold water until the water in the pan is cold
· Let the eggs cool in the cold water bath for 5 minutes
To peel:
· Drain off the cold water, but leave the eggs in the pan
· Shake the pan vigorously to crack the eggs
· Peel eggs under running water
Other how-to’s: