My sister described eternity as a couple with a leftover Easter ham. I like sandwich spreads and often prepare chicken, egg or tuna to pile on good bread with lettuce. Not so much with ham spread. But I got an urging, bought a quarter ham, only to discover that I could not find a recipe that came close to what I had in mind. So here we have Eternity Ham Spread:
10 oz smoked ham, chunked with knife and then pulsed in a
Cuisinart to a medium cut (not fine or pasty)
3 T mayo, maybe more
2 T Dijon mustard
5 squirts Tennessee Sunshine or other medium hot pepper sauce
1.5 clove garlic, pureed
1/4 C shallot, finely diced
4 cornichon or gherkin pickles finely diced
1 t red pepper flakes
1/2 lemon, juiced
2 light shakes of cayenne, TT
0 don’t add salt
1. Process the diced ham and set aside
2. In a bowl, mix together all the other ingredients
3. Add the ham and mix thoroughly
4. Add more mayo if too dry
5. Taste, then hold in fridge