Vegetable Recipes

Tomato Concassé

Tomato Concassé, which is French for a coarsely chopped tomato mixture
that is prepared and then used for the tomato based dishes of the day.
A concassé (kawn-ka-SAY) is a roughly chopped product not ready for the
table.  It’s a base-tomato,-tomatillos, -potato, or whatever.  The
idea here is that, during the height of the tomato season, buy tomatoes in quantity,
make a big patch of concassé and freeze it in 1-2 quart containers.
Then …, you are ready to make this dish by adding the Mexican seasoning, make
your favorite Italian tomato sauce for a pasta, or make tomato soup to be pureed
and maybe strained.  Much of the hard and time consuming work is already
done since you have the concassé in the freezer.

Tomato Concassé

(Tomato Sauce Base)

See Abbreviations, if needed

·   EVOO

·   1 part      onion, diced

·   4-5
parts  tomato, coarsely chopped

·   garlic       pureed

·   BG
A sachet of bay leaf, thyme, parsley stems and pepper corns

·   S/P

1.  Sweat diced onions in a generous amount of EVOO

2.  Add garlic, BG and S/P

3.  Add blanched, peeled and roughly cut tomatoes

4.  Simmer for about 45 minutes

5.  (Optional)  Reduce chunkiness of the concassé with a stick

6.  Cool and freeze
Note:  Tomatoes should be blanched and peeled before being chopped.
Removing the seeds is optional and dependent on what you’re likely to make with
the concassé.

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