Poultry and Game Recipes, Technique

Egg Know-How:   One Liners and Tips

·   Crack an egg with one good whack on a flat surface.  Not two, not three—ONE.

·   Composition of an egg is 58% white, 30% yolk and 12% shell.

·   All recipes call for large eggs.  Large eggs have 1oz white and 1oz yolk

·   An egg shell is porous:

o  As it ages, water evaporates and the egg gets lighter.  Therefore, a fresh egg will sink to the bottom of a pan of water; less fresh and it will turn upright  at the bottom; if it floats, discard

o   As it ages it absorbs flavors from its environment through its shell

o   If the shell appears dull it still has its natural bloom, which protects it against bacteria

·   Eggs should be stored in a cold fridge (30F to 37F is industry standard).

o  Eggs should be stored with the narrow end down

o  Held at room temperature, eggs lose more quality in one day then in  one week fridged.

o  Egg yolks cannot be stored more than three hours

o  Egg whites will keep for 2 weeks fridged

o  “Think eggs, think ambient.”  Eggs should be used at room temperature,  whether for baking, sauce making or pan heating

·   Tips for an omelet:

o   Eggs should be beaten just before cooking to stay fluffy

o   Butter in pan should be brought to bubbly at medium heat

o   Then add eggs, turn heat to high and work quickly

·   Tips for scrambled eggs:

o   Eggs can be beaten ahead of time

o   Start and finish eggs at medium high heat

o   Can be finished in the oven

·   Tips for fried eggs:

o   Maintain medium-to-medium low heat.  (High heat toughens whites,    which absorb more fat)

o   Salt sunny-side up eggs before serving, not in the pan.  (In the pan, salt grains  adversely effect yolk color)

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