Poultry and Game Recipes

Korean Chicken

The Little Woman makes this dish and it is one of our favorites.

It has evolved over time.  The original idea is lost in history, but

it may have come out of a Parade magazine.  The recipe calls

for a lot of garlic but it mellows out in the cooking process to produce

a well-balanced chicken dish.  Here’s why:

Garlic, as a member of the onion family, contains starch. When cooked,

some of the starch is transformed by heat into dextrin and free sugar that

sweeten the product, form browning and caramelizing compounds and mellow

the bite.  But beware, this process can lead to burning if the cook

is inattentive.

A trained pallet will spot burned garlic or burned onion even in trace

amounts.  We could never get away with it in school.  The chefs

tasted it every time.  So, take care not to burn onions or garlic

(or anything else, for that matter).

Tip:  If you do burn it—start over!

Korean Chicken

Yield:  4 servings or 2 serving and 2 leftovers

See Abbreviations, if needed

•   ¼ C    white wine vinegar (WWV)

•   3 T     soy sauce

•   3 T     honey

•   1/2 t   powered ginger

•   1/3 C   chicken broth

•   8        skinned chicken


•   2 T     peanut oil

•   10      cloves garlic, chopped

•   1/2 t   crushed red pepper

1.  Mix together WWV, soy sauce, honey, ginger and chicken broth,

and set aside

2.  In a sauté pan, brown the chicken in peanut oil, then

reduce heat

3.  Add the garlic and red pepper and stir-cook briefly – don’t

burn the garlic

4.  Add WWV mixture and cook (covered) until chicken is done,

about 25 minutes

5.  (Optional)  Remove chicken pieces and let cool

•  Debone the chicken thighs and pull

meat apart by hand

•   Return chicken to the sauce

and reheat

6.  Serve over rice

Note:  1.  There is lots of salt in the soy sauce,

so don’t add more.

2.  You may wish to prepare this dish without bothering to debone

the chicken.  It will save time in the preparation.  Also, folks

tend to eat less if pieces are whole rather than bite sized.

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