
Table of Measures

Tables of measures abound.  This one includes more than a few metric
cross-references.  While U.S. homemakers are not going metric, more
and more imported kitchen equipment and food packages have metric markings, so it is of some utility to know, for example, that a container marked 500ml holds 1 pint or 2 cups.


½ teaspoon ……………….30 drops or 2ml

1 teaspoon…………………1/3 tablespoon or 60 drops or 5ml

3 teaspoons ……………….1 tablespoon or 15ml

1/2 tablespoon …………….1 1/2 teaspoons

1 tablespoon ………………3 teaspoons

2 tablespoons ……………  1/8C or 1 fluid oz

3 tablespoons ……………..1 ½ fluid oz

4 tablespoons ……………..1/4C or 2 fluid oz

5 1/3 tablespoons ….………1/3C or 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon

8 tablespoons ……………..1/2C or 4 fluid oz

10 2/3 tablespoons ………..2/3C or 10T + 2 teaspoons

12 tablespoons ……………3/4C or 6 fluid oz

16 tablespoons ……………1C or 8 fluid oz or

1/8C………………………..2 tablespoons or 1 fluid oz or 30 ml

1/4C……. …………………4 tablespoons or 2 fluid oz or 60ml

1/3C………………………..5 tablespoons +1 teaspoon or 75ml

3/8C………………………..1/4C + 2 tablespoons

1/2C……. ………………….8 tablespoons or 4 fluid oz or 125ml

2/3C……. ………………….10 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons or 150ml

5/8C…………………………1/2C + 2 tablespoons

3/4C…………………………12 tablespoons or 6 fluid oz or 175 ml

7/8C…………………….…..3/4C + 2 tablespoons

1C………………….……….16 tablespoons or ½ pint or 8 fluid oz or 250ml

2C…………………………..1 pint, or 16 fluid oz or 500ml

1 pint……………………….2C or 16 fluid oz or 500ml

1 quart ……………………. 2 pints or 4C or 32 oz or 1000ml or 1L

1 gallon…………………….4 quarts or 8 pints or 16C or 128 fluid oz or 4L

1 fluid oz…………………..29.57 milliliters

1C………………………….236.59 milliliters

1 quart……………………..946.36 milliliters

milliliters (ml) ÷ 29.57  = fluid ounces

grams (g)         ÷  28.35  = ounces (weight)

Fahrenheit temperature  – 32 x 5  ÷ 9  = Celsius

Celsius temperature       x 9  ÷  5 + 32 = Fahrenheit temperature

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